According to a recent study by Nielsen, 15% of viewers said they enjoyed watching television more when social media was involved. By now, we know that consumers are using these screens to browse the web, talk on social networks about what they’re watching or access complementary content that enhances their experience. So what new and different opportunities does this activity create for pay-TV operators and programmers to leverage the second screen for increased tune-in, engagement and ad revenues? One study from Twitter confirms the positive complementary role that social media can play when consumers watch TV. Twitter’s analysis shows that not only do TV spots with hashtags drive more immediate conversation, they also trigger higher-quality responses. TV viewers multitasking on mobile devices are less likely to tune away during ad breaks and those using a second screen had higher ad recall. These viewers were also 13% more likely to discuss shows and 3% more likely to recommend programs. Discovery also gets a boost. According to the Nielsen survey, a quarter of TV viewers reported that they were more aware of TV programs due to their social media interactions.